Friday, July 3

it's finally here.

i am so excited!
tomorrow is the brisstyle indie designers market.
there are so many talented people selling their goodies, and i am going to buy them all.
i am slightly worried that this time tomorrow my savings account will be empty, but who cares, it's supporting people/things that i love (this justifies everything :)
check out the brisstyle blog for a taste of what's to come.

sunday i get to hang out with my sister :)
i am introducing her to the awesomeness that is the
southbank young designers market.
no doubt she will be on the look out for

yay for market times, i can think of no better way to spend my weekend.
on that note, does anyone know of other cool markets in brisbane?
i am always on the lookout!


edward and lilly said...

Yay! YDM is so cool. There's the boutique market at portside as well, and the next one is on during the coffee and chocolate festival, mmmmmmm....

See you tomorrow! You'll have to show me everything you buy ok!

Kylie said...

Excellent! I can't wait! It's certainly market month, isn't it? Thanks for this. K

Kim Wallace :: Udessi said...

Looking forward to the Brisstyle ones as well! And hope to see you at the Portside Boutique Markets...