Monday, September 7


it's monday again, how does this keep happening?
friday afternoons roll straight on to monday mornings then the five day wait begins again.
but oh well, memories of my amazingly wonderful weekend will keep me going.
saturday started out grey and wet, which was a very bad thing seeing as i had my picnic party planned for midday.
the rain gods heard my prayers and backed off, delivering an absoloutly beautiful sunshiney day.
friends + punch + cupcakes + sunshine = best day ever.
i was in no state to handle a camera so sadly no pics but i do have pics of new plants ("alright!!!" i hear you all say).

sunday = hangover of death + markets + bunnings + veggie patch wonders.

it's not a very good pic, but i've planted lebanese cucumbers, beans, broccolini and shallots to sit nicely next to the strawberries, lettuce and celery.

we got patio pumpkins! little ones, for when you don't want them engulfing the whole yard :)

cherry tomatos, my favourite.

here's the beautiful magnolia's mum gave me.

and some new additions to my succulent garden (thanks karly and vicmo!)

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