Monday, September 28

the future is just a concept.

today i am bored and uninspired at work.
i am thinking about six feet under and how much i love it, think i might watch the whole series through for the third time...

so one of the characters says this line in the show that i think about all the time, i decided it needed to be montaged, asap.

another favourite quote from the show;

Nate: You hang on to your pain like it means something, like it's worth something. Well let me tell you, it's not worth shit. Let it go. Infinite possibilities and all he can do is whine.
David: Well, what am I supposed to do?
Nate: What do you think? You can do anything, you lucky bastard, you're alive. What's a little pain compared to that?
David: It can't be so simple.
Nate: What if it is?

Sunday, September 27


how has your weekend been?
i've had a pretty good time.
went to garuva on friday night and had some tasty cocktails then on to the beat for more solid drinking/dancing.
it was a treat.
yesterday i bought this lovely owl for my collection.

today we went to the mt gravatt markets to buy some more tomato plants and some veggies for the week.
we got a tray of six roma tomato plants along with all these veggies for twelve dollars!
so fresh, so cheap!

stir-fry for dinner?
yes indeed.

Friday, September 25

clever advertising.

i found a whole folder full of great ads on my computer, of course i don't remember where they came from sadly.
you get that.

Thursday, September 24